Townsend Society of America
Established in 1962
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
(516) 558-7092

Robert Townsend, MA & ME

This group is based in Massachusetts and Maine.  Early genealogists thought they were related to Thomas of Lynn but Y-DNA results make it quite clear that this family is not related to the Townsends who came to Lynn, MA.

#131674 (Larry, deceased), #27436 (Bill) and #98394 (Hugh) all descend from Daniel Townsend of Sidney, Maine, born about 1725 to 1730 (Larry and Bill descend from son Dodivah and Hugh from son Daniel.) 

#101746 (Warren) descends from Robert Townsend, who was married in Hingham, MA, in 1720, and his son Benjamin.  Robert lived in Hingham and, later, Abington, MA while Benjamin moved to Maine.  

Based on the research by Hugh Townsend and published in the Townsend Genealogical Journal in 2007, " is highly likely that my ancestor Daniel and Benjamin were brothers and that therefore the common earliest ancestor of the four persons above was Robert Townsend."

A website with Townsends in Maine information:
Click Here to access downloadable information on this family and other Townsend Family sub-groups.